A Look Behind the Camera Held by WyoJones 🙂

Eyeing the Geology

If you’ve been clicking through to my blog because of the photos, did you ever wonder who is this WyoJones character? Since I’m almost halfway through the NaBloPoMo blogging challenge at BlogHer, I thought this would be a good time to introduce visitors to the the two people who help me (and my blog) look good.

I profiled AnaBanana on Tuesday and today it is the hubs.

If the hubs isn’t out on a photo safari, you can find him, well you can find his photos, on his Flickr site. I just have to go into the next room. Right now he’s sitting at his computer preparing photos for upload to his Flickr page. Unless you’re reading this in the middle of the night. Then he’s probably in bed. But while I’m writing these words, he is working on his photos.

The hubs and I have been married for 38+ years. We have some kids, all grown and gone, and twin grand babies (#thegrandmaproject). In his non-photographic life, the hubs is a geologist, which means he tracks time in plus or minus a million years. My life with him has been a grand “nud-venture,” (the family code for the hubs spinning a disaster into “we’re having fun”) and a grand AD-venture (no code for anything, just a lot of fun).

I met him 39+ years ago. It wasn’t what you’d call a “cute meet.” I thought I recognized him, broke my shy girl protocol and smiled at him, and he asked me to dance. What I still love about him is the way he looks at me. Even as a mostly clueless nineteen year old, I felt like he saw me and he liked me. Now he loves me, of course. LOL But if you look at the people he photographs, you’ll see that they see what I saw. Because, for the most part, they are looking at him as he takes those pictures.

That’s why they look happy. That’s why he can get such great people shots. Because he is a really nice guy.

He’s also good with getting people to talk to him. When one of our children found herself being moved by some very grumpy Russian guys, not all our feminine smiles (or wiles) cracked their grumpy. (Not a surprise I couldn’t get a smile out of them, but our daughter is cute!) Next thing we know, the hubs and the Russians are chatting and one of them even shows the hubs pictures of his kids.

If he wasn’t WyoJones, he’d be the Icebreaker.

While we didn’t have a “cute meet,” I did have a “cute overheard” with him. I approached him at a party and heard him bragging about his wife the author. I knew he loved me and he’d always supported me, but I had no idea how proud he was of my writing.

I’ve been very fortunate to spend 38 years with WyoJones and I’m VERY lucky that I get to use his photos on my blog. 🙂

Do you have someone special in your life who helps make your dreams come true? Or maybe someone who tracks time in plus or minus a million years (yup, another trick question! I’m on a roll this week!). As you must know by now (I hope), all comments are entered into my monthly drawing for an AnaBanana gift basket (worth $50 this month only in honor of NaBloPoMo). Winner will be announced the first blog post of December. 🙂

AnaBanana logo


Perilous Pauline's signature



Pauline’s hubs claims that he has died several times in her novels. This is not true. She wants him to live long and prosper (sorry Star Trek). Without his support, she is sure she could not have written 13 novels and several short stories. For more information about Pauline and her books, hop over to her website. There’s lots of stuff there. You know, stuff, stuff. My daughter, who designed the cover below, used one of the hubs photos. 🙂

Relatively Risky cover art
A girl. A guy. Bad guys with guns. What could possibly go wrong?

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