An Author (Me) Walks into a Bookstore…

3 images of SFR author
So, which one of these is the REAL science fiction romance author?

So, the wormhole today takes us in a new and strange direction!

If you’ve been around this blog for more than a couple of weeks, then you know I was part of a fun anthology release, Pets in Space, this month. You’ve seen the Pets authors guest posting here, but I figure you might have missed ME guest posting on their blogs. So, for the next few weeks, I’m going to share snippets from those posts with links to the full blog posts.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

And first up is An Author Walks into a Bookstore…

An author walks into a Barnes & Noble store and asked for books on Roswell, New Mexico.

Where does the helpful help desk clerk send her?

To the travel section.

This was not a joke with a bad punch line but a true story.

I wasn’t sure they hadn’t shelved the books in travel so I went and looked. Then I went back to the “help” desk.

“You don’t understand,” I said. “I need books on Roswell. You know, the alien ship crash.”

I wish I had a picture of the clerk’s face. There is no describing that look.

“Roswell. Aliens,” I say, more gently because she’s not young. “Just type Roswell, New Mexico, into your computer.”

To read the rest of the story, click here, and then come back and tell me which one of the three in the above picture is the REAL science fiction romance author!

You know I love comments so much that I pick a favorite to receive my monthly AnaBanana gift basket ($25 value).  (And don’t forget that once a quarter I’ll be tossing in something fun from the Perilously Fun Shop!) Recipient is announced the first blog post of the new month.

Perilously yours,
