Copyright by WyoJones. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
“To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out the hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it- who can say this is not greatness? ” William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)
I was walking past the hubs computer and this photo caught my eye, so I waited for him to add it to his Flickr page before doing this post. The hubs knows a lot about enduring and keeping heart. He’s inspired me, his children and a lot of others, with his refusal to be daunted by the challenges that life has thrown at him. I know there are days I can see the boulder pressing against him, trying to take him down.
And he’s still here. 🙂 Still standing (for the most part) and still awesome. 🙂
What inspires you to keep going? How to you cope with “hostile fortune?” I love comments. I love inspiring comments. And if you comment, then you get entered into my drawing for an awesome AnaBanana gift set worth $20. She has some yummy stuff that will also help you keep going. Or soothe battered spirits when you pause for a rest.
(News flash! If you have an unused AnaBanana gift card, AnaBanana is making a limited time offer to comp GC holders with $5 of free shipping IF you use your GC before August 31st, 2013! So go use that GC now! You’ll be glad you did!)
And I’m happy to announce the winner of her choice of one of my audiobooks! Lynette Burrows! Congratulations!
Perilously yours,
Pauline is excited to report that Relatively Risky has now released in audio format! You can find it at Audible or Amazon and it should be on iTunes soon. You can also find out more information about me and my books at paulinebjones.com. Really. I wouldn’t lie to you.